woensdag 29 oktober 2014

Connectivity and Co-evolution

Infinite.company is built on connectivity

Success arises from the interrelationships, interactions and interconnectivity of all individuals within our network and between our network and its environment. 
This means a member can take a decision or action, although it can and will affect all other individuals in the company. The ways in which members connect and relate to one another is critical in the survival of the system, because it is from these connections that the patterns are formed and the feedback is disseminated. 
The relationships between the members are generally more important than the members themselves. The company evolves like the connectivity of the Internet. 
Chaotic and unpredictable.

Infinite.company evolves in co-evolution

Our network exists within an environment, but is also part of that environment. Changes in our network have to be seen as co-evolution, instead of mere adaptations to the environment. As our network's environment changes, members need to change to ensure the best fit. But because they are part of their environment, when they change, they change the environment, thereby requiring themselves to change again. It’s a constant process of evolution.

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