zaterdag 22 november 2014

Guiding Principles of

Guiding Principles

INFINITE.COMPANY will be a 'non-risk' company, based on a network model. All profit that INFINITE.COMPANY generates will be paid back to catalysts, members, customers, charity and R&D.
  • To be a community committed to the success of our Customers
  • To embrace our competitors with ethics and respect
  • To attain professional fulfillment while having fun at work
  • To understand that profit is a consequence and not a goal


We believe that cross-company collaboration is better and more productive. That’s why we established a more flexible, horizontal network from the very beginning. The same applies for our own management structure. Trust, freedom and creative autonomy are our pillars. Our solution and network is focused on finding the best solutions for customers in a faster and more effective manner.

Our mission

To be the all-encompassing platform for businesses to attract, source and select the right talents and projects.

Read our full paper at

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