maandag 22 december 2014

5 good #intentions to pave your #entrepreneurial #road

What kind of good intentions will you make for 2015?
Some entrepreneurial suggestions by experts in the upcoming days.

Get completely in control 

Don Hofstrand said that Entrepreneurs tend to have a strong internal locus of control. Locus of control is a concept defining whether a person believes he/she is in control of his/her future or someone else is in control of it. For example, we all know people who believe they have no control over their lives. They believe that what happens to them is dictated by outside forces. People who feel they are victims of outside forces have an external locus of control.

 “it’s not my fault this happened to me.” 

By contrast, entrepreneurs have a very strong internal locus of control. They believe their future is determined by the choices they make. Entrepreneurs want to be self-directed. They want to be in control of their activities. This is linked to the “locus of control” discussion above. Entrepreneurs often don’t fit well in traditional employment positions. They don’t want to be told what to do. Entrepreneurs know what they want to do and how to do it.

Break patterns 

Carrying the issue with you 

Have you become so attached to your issue that you can’t seem to drop it? Some people constantly have the problem they face on their back. One gets the sense that they get some satisfaction out of it. It is rarely about the issue, it is the habit of constantly carrying it. In a way we become addicted to our issues, sometimes even carrying it with pride.

Constantly checking on the issue 

We drop the issue, but we constantly check on it. This pattern is like someone putting a baby down to sleep and then lifting the covers so often to check if it is still asleep, that soon it wakes up. Scratching until it itches, just to make 1000% sure. Again, it is not the baby (issue) that is awake, but the person waking it with their pattern. This person really does not have any intention to drop the issue.

When this (happens)…then I’ll… 

We have probably all been guilty of this pattern at some point or another. Constantly holding out for something else, getting ready, waiting, never doing. We actually get to believe ourselves when we say that, but who are we fooling? Only ourselves!

Not being totally committed 

Talk is cheap but if in your heart of hearts you are not totally committed and prepared to break the pattern, you won’t. You can’t have one foot in, one foot out. This pattern is actually easier to break than one would think - sometimes just asking yourself whether you are committed will already help you make a shift.

So now what? Celeste Du Toit, the YES paradigm coach, recommends in her article to that once you realise the pattern you can do something about it. So stop doing it! Don’t do less of it; stop totally, and turn around. Notice it constantly and break its neck. Get help if you need to, a coach or a confidante, but there is no going halfway - the only way out of a pattern is to break it!

Next time we I will talk about:

  1. Developing entrepreneurial habits 
  2. And how to pass your skills on to your team

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