The idea of is to encourage small and big entrepreneurs to go from idea to market, linking a lot of talents available in the market.
In my way of dealing with new businesses this makes a lot of sense. It means you’ll start, even if you don't have the money, as early as possible.
Our way for a quick launch puts you ahead of the competition. This is especially important when you’re capitalizing on changes in the marketplace or new technology.
Back in the mid-nineties, I was working at a Bank. I had the idea of using XML-based payments on an asynchronous way. I had the opportunity to do my project. On the day of launch, we knew one other bank in the world doing the same. Just two months after launch, seventeen Banks launched the same. A month later this figure had risen to 100. Our early start was a huge competitive advantage in bulk payments and brokering transaction messages for dealers. Compared to other EAI-tools I spend 13% of the budget, focussing on what was needed for the Bank.
Knowing this, you’re probably wondering:
What’s the shortcut to launch my business quickly?
In my years of experience, I’ve found that only one shortcut ultimately leads to success.
The best shortcut is to take a long-term view.
In other words, even if you want to launch your business at speed, there are no shortcuts. There’s no way around putting in the hours. Any entrepreneur who’s started a business can tell you plenty of battle stories about how hard they worked in the early days.
There’s a good reason for that: building a business is hard work.
There’s no way around any of the following. In fact, it doesn’t make sense to talk of a way “around” them. These aren’t obstacles blocking your way, but the path to a successful business.
- Do your homework. As an entrepreneur or a business owner, being well-informed about your business, your industry and your target market is very important. However, you may be tempted to overlook doing your own research in favor of asking for professional help. Though this route may seem easier, doing your own research beforehand could save you time and money. Your research may also allow you to ask specific questions, rather than vague ones.
- Step back when the feedback tells you to. You may believe you have the perfect idea. But if your research shows a less than ideal marketplace, or if there’s a high failure rate of startups in the sector, there’s a reason for that. Don’t kid yourself into believing your business will be different from all the rest. Learn everything you can about what went wrong for others, then decide whether the opportunity is still for you. If you really want to move forward successfully in today’s economy, it’s important to think long-term. In his recent bestseller about the hotel industry, Heads in Beds, Jacob Tomsky writes about his early days doing valet parking and other unskilled jobs. Thanks to cash tips, the money was good — the advancement potential, not so much. When he was tapped for a management position, he had a difficult choice to make. He’d be earning less money in the immediate future, but his long-term career prospects would dramatically improve. He ultimately agreed to move into the white collar ranks, but his dilemma highlights an important point.
- Become a member of Chat with experienced entrepreneurs or ask advice from other starters. Becoming a member links you to a lot of possibilities, whether is in finding the right talents or asking advice from experts or even a business developer focused on your domain.
- Consider your timing. There is one critical element that many business owners fail to consider when embarking on their business startup. Timing! How is the current market and local economy? What is the current competition like in your industry? Is the timing right for you? Maybe you are not the expert in finding the answers to all these questions. We can help if you want to.
- Adopt a beginner’s mind. Beginner’s mind is a zen concept that’s about dropping all your assumptions. By letting go of what you think you know, you’ll ask better questions, get better answers, and receive more insight into what’s possible and what’s not. I love this quote on Joel's blog:
We are all experts. Experts in our job, in raising children, in crossing the road, in signing our name. Its difficult to let go of being an expert. Because it means confessing that we really know nothing. What we know belongs to the past. Whereas this moment now is new and offers its unique challenges. If I let go of being an expert, I can listen to others with an open mind. Then I can find that even a beginner has something to teach me.”
So, remember, the best shortcut to a successful business is to repeat the mantra: There are no shortcuts.